Monday 20 January 2014

Office Colors: Importance and types

What are the primary reasons due to which office owners paint their premises? It is for the aesthetic values! The feeling one gets on entering the office is a major aspect that reflects the office’s success. Different paint colors depict distinct messages and emits unique feel.

Cool Colors
Eye soothing colors like purple, green and blue are considered to be cool colors. They don’t distract or disturb officers or staff. In fact, they help in quieting the nerves and calm the soul. These colors are extremely beneficial psychologically.

Color of Nature
The color green is very soothing and rejuvenating. It is available in various shades and patterns. It is preferred by most office owners as it remains in sync with common goals like making profits. Educational houses and libraries are also painted in hues of green because of its close relation with harmony.

Red, yellow and oranges are considered the colors of warmth. They are bright and signify activeness. Rooms painted with such colors seem to be intimate and cozy. However, they are not good for places where inhabitants require concentrating in full swing.

White signifies peace, purity and prosperity. Small areas, when painted with white tend to appear spacious. Walls and ceilings of most premises are painted with white.

The choice of office colors largely depends on the type of services or products the organization offers or provides. Bear in mind, an oil and gas company will not have the same office environment as that of an NGO.

There are uncountable numbers of paint colors that you can adhere to. Each drop of hue speaks something.

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